Using CGI and Number Sense Routines to support children's thinking.
Turning Data Schools Have Into Information Schools Use
Birth to Age 3 and Prekindergarten Coaching Essentials Institute
Early Literacy and Math Adaptive Schools
Early Literacy and Math Essentials Instructional Rounds
Early Literacy Annual Coaching Institute
Early Literacy Community of Practice Birth to Age 3 & PreK
Early Literacy Coaching Intensive Institutes
Quarterly Meetings for the Early Literacy Coaching Network
Kick-Off Institute for New ISD Early Literacy Coaches
Early Literacy Prekindergarten Training of Trainers
ELTF Meetings
Early Math Leadership Institute
Early Childhood Administrators Network
ECIC Parent Leadership - Learning Community Series - Facilitated by the Early Childhood Investment Corporation
Early Childhood Investment Corporation
Ed Alliance Retreat at Boyne Mountain, MI
How to use emergency seclusion and restraint in schools as a last resort.
Support teams of educators in implementing the Essential Instructional Practices
GELN 23h Follow Up
GELN Meetings
Monthly Meeting
ISD / LEA cyber security grant opportunity
Leader Series
Participants will engage in job-embedded learning around the Early Math Essentials and see how it's brought to life in the classroom.
General Membership
This event will provide participants learning on the Why, What, and How of learning mathematics basic facts.
METL Meetings
Implementing Quality Tutoring Programs
Michigan Collaboration Hub
Lunch and Learn Webinar with Administrators
Two-day retreat to kickoff the MiFamily Engagement Centers.
Essential Instructional Practices in Early Mathematics: Prekindergarten to Grade 5 Training of Trainers
How we record student thinking matters in terms of having children makes sense of and connections to other's ideas.
Special Education Instructional Leadership Network
Powerful learning for children requires powerful learning for adults.
The intended audience are members that have signed on to be part of the CGI Cohort.